Davide Galleano
The voices
Davide Galleano
Born in 1992, he obtained, in 2015, the Diploma in Transverse Flute under the guidance of the masters Semolini A. and Rosso U. at the State Conservatory of Music “G. Verdi ”Conservatory of Turin and, in 2019, the Academic Diploma of I level in Flute Traversiere with M ° Odling F. at the same conservatory.
Within the flute quartet I Trasversali he won, in 2014, the III prize in the III category C section of the prestigious music competition “International Music Competition – Vittoria Caffa Righetti Award” of the municipality of Cortemilia (CN) and, in 2018, the II prize in section 1 category C2 – quartet of the “4th National Chamber Music Competition for young artists” of the municipality of Milan. In 2018 he collaborated with the Artemusica Choir of Valperga for the recording of Giro giro Canto 7 – Collection of choral songs for children and teenagers (Feniarco ed. Music).
Simultaneously with the study of the flute he follows singing lessons at the Artemusica association of Valperga, the International Association of Gregorian Singing Studies (AISCGre) of Cremona, where he also attends Gregorian chant courses, and since 2014 under the guidance of Mº Giacchero R. and in 2020 he studied the lieder repertoire with M ° Battaglia E ..
He attended the 3-year course for choir conductors – “Breath is already singing”, held by teachers Benetti D., Seggi Corti A., Giacchero R., Ruo Rui A. and Tabbia D.
He is a chorister in the Swiss Ensemble More Antiquo directed by Conti Giovanni; as a tenor voice, within the Turin Chamber Choir directed by Tabbia D. with whom, at the national competition of Vittorio Veneto – 2019, they win three first prizes, two special prizes and the “Efrem Casagrande” Grand Prix and has participated, as an added chorister, within the choir of the Accademia del Santo Spirito in Turin and of the Ensamble Frau Musika Association. Since 2017 he has been the director of the Corale En Clara Vox in Scarmagno and, since 2018, of the choir Il Bell’Humore in Turin.
From September 2022 he enters The Blossomed Voice as a tenor.