
Ultimi miei sospiri
2. Séverin Cornet (1530 – 1582)
Parmi di star
3. Orlando di Lasso (1532 – 1594)
Dessus le marché d’Arras
4. Orlando di Lasso (1532 – 1594)
Matona mia cara
5. John Lennon e Paul McCartney – arr. Keith Abbs
Can’t Buy Me Love
6. John Lennon e Paul McCartney – arr. Keith Abbs
7. John Lennon e Paul McCartney – arr. Bob Chilcott
Penny Lane
8. John Lennon e Paul McCartney – arr. Bill Ives
Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da
9. John David – arr. Peter Knight
You Are The New Day
10. David Gates (Bread) – arr. Philip Lawson
Everything I Own
11. Stephen Stills (Crosby, Stills & Nash) – arr. Philip Lawson
Helplessly Hoping
12. Billy Joel – arr. Philip Lawson
Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel)
13. Arr. Ben Perry (Swingle Singers)
Bella, ciao (tradizione italiana)
CD recorded at interior Chapel of Collegio Maschile “Antonio Rosmini” in Domodossola (VB), 2015.
Madrigali, Balletti e Villotte
viaggio tra le corti europee del XVI-XVII secolo
Past Time with Good Company
2. Michael East (1580 – 1648)
Hence Stars, Too Dim of Light (Triumphs of Oriana, 1601)
3. John Dowland (1563 – 1626)
Cleare or Cloudie, sweet as April showring
4. John Dowland (1563 – 1626)
Fine knacks for Ladies
5. Thomas Morley (1557 – 1602)
Now is the Month of Maying
6. Orlando Gibbons (1583 – 1625)
The Silver Swan
7. Jaques Arcadelt (1505 – 1568)
Il bianco e dolce cigno
8. Adriaen Willaert (1490 – 1562)
Madonna mia famme bon’offerta
9. Adriaen Willaert (1490 – 1562)
Sempre mi ride sta Donna dabbene
10. Severin Cornet (1530 – 1582)
Parmi di star
11. Pierre Certon (1510 – 1572)
La, la, la, je ne l’ose dire
12. Pierre Passereau (1490 – 1547)
Il Est Bel et Bon
13. Thoinot Arbeau (1519 – 1595)
Belle Qui Tiens Mavie
14. Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi (1556 – 1622)
Amor Vittorioso
CD recorded at SMC Records in Ivrea, 2011.
The Blossomed Voice
CD Demo

2. Billy Strayhorn e Duke Ellington – Arr. Paul Kuhn
The Creole Love Call
3. Pierre Passareau (1490 – 1547)
Il Est Bel et Bon
4. Billy Joel – Arr. Philip Lawson
Lullabye, goodnight My Angel